If you are considering joining the community of free-spirits enjoying a full time RV lifestyle but are concerned about the lack of access to a gym or exercise facility, let me put your fears to rest. Nearly every facet of living in a 280 square foot recreational vehicle (some are larger; many are smaller) could, and probably should, be considered an ongoing exercise routine. Some of those things, like hiking or cycling, are obvious but many others are more subtle.
For instance, every time I need something from the exterior basement cargo bays I am forced to adopt a system of squats and crunches that would make any fitness guru proud. While trying to avoid kneeling in a veritable forest of tiny "ankle-biter" cacti, I carefully squat to unlock and unlatch the two handles on each hatch. Then, (being on the wrong side of 50 years old) I try to avoid having to stand back up again by attempting to lean back far enough to allow the top-hinged cargo door to open upward in front of me. This usually results in a back-flip that would struggle to score a two at any Olympic competition. After retrieving the item I am after I do a quick manuever to avoid the locking mechanisms protruding from the underside of the door while duck-walking backwards to safety, with the predictable result that I hit my head anyhow. For those of you who attended school in the 50's and 60's, this operation counts as your "duck-and-cover" practice for the week. After this fiasco, there is the routine of re-entering the RV with your hard won prize (while possibly experiencing a slight double vision issue from the bump rising on the top of your head). For those of you who have never experienced the joy of using RV stairs, be aware that they move. So does the entire rig. Seldom at the same rate. Entry with your hands full can replace both the balance beam and the vaulting horse, with perhaps a bit of the rings thrown in.
Now, if yoga is your thing...I give you the RV shower! There has never yet been born a humanoid who fits conveniently into a motorhome or trailer shower. Some rigs have better units than others; none have one designed to be used by a carbon-based life form currently in existence on this planet. Although the shower on our Dolphin motorhome is light years ahead of the one on our previous GMC Classic coach, it is still almost impossible to open the door outward while actually standing in the small bathroom. Should you elect to expand you horizons by opening the bathroom door (which does conveniently make the bedroom and bath into a master suite, loosely speaking), you will undoubtedly allow access to one or more of the cats; cats and water do not play well together, especially in a confined space when you are ready to step into the shower! After you step into the minuscule stall is when your yoga skills really come into play. It's not a bad idea to brush up on your Tai Chi skills as well.
The oriental art of movement combined with just a touch of ballet will likely get you through the preparation of a simple meal onboard your travelling home. If, like us, you and your travel mate both enjoy cooking and you have indoor pets, it might be a good idea to include a bit of meditation and some deep breathing exercises to keep your blood pressure under control during the dinner process. While it may look more like you are landing a jet plane or signalling to aliens, it is very possible to eat well while living in an RV full-time; many out here are gourmet chefs. In fact, most full-timers will tell you they eat healthier out here than they did in their stick-and-bricks home.
For some real fun, on travel days there is the dreaded motorhome gas station window wash. This particular exercise consists of an absurd combination of jumping jacks interspersed with a selection of modern dance moves while holding a drum major's baton and is usually capped by something resembling a badly executed flying dismount...while wearing flip-flops and a baseball cap. While this rarely results in clean windows, it does seem to amuse the folks in the little four-wheelers and so is considered a worthwhile effort by most.
There are myriad other opportunities to replace visits to the gym, like the push-ups employed while peering under the coach to make sure the jack are up before moving (and the sprints used to get within rear view mirror range when they aren't), or the ladder climbing you do to clean the solar panels. In our case there is also the removing and reloading of our bumper-mounted scooter, which has turned out to be a team sport (which is why we are selling it); a big "thank you" going out to Jim and Sasha for their help with this!
There is no doubt that living full-time in an RV of any kind is challenging, but those of us who it do agree that the rewards FAR outweigh the challenges. The sense of freedom offsets the frustration of pouring kitty litter in a 30MPH wind; the spectacular scenery you can change at will trumps the difficulty of a small kitchen; the ability to follow your perfect temperature ("chasing 70"); the opportunity to see other parts of this vast continent and choose the piece you eventually claim as your own...these make up for any and all of the small inconveniences involved in our nomadic lifestyle. I wouldn't trade it for all the gym memberships and dance classes in the world. I can't emphasize enough that if we can do this, you can too! Start planning and dreaming and researching now; don't wait another day. Call it your daily exercise!
See you all out there soon. Peace! -Lynn
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RV travelogue, historical notes, tales of Americana and other meanderings of the mind as we and our three cats roll across the Great American Southwest in a 35' motorhome. You'll meet the people we meet, see the things we see, and perhaps learn to love this amazing part of the country as we do. Join Lynn and Joe on our Great Escape!
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Friday, February 16, 2018
We held our collective breaths as clouds of fire and smoke erupted from beneath the Mighty Falcon Heavy!

Later in the day, as the excitement of the Falcon launch ebbed a bit, I began to relect on what an amazing history of travel and exploration this country has, and how it has inspired the pioneers of
transportation to invent and innovate at a furious pace. Just think about it; a private citizen and his staff of brilliant individuals just launched a massive rocket, complete with re-usable parts, into space. How spectacular is that?! They just completely re-wrote the future of space travel, much like Henry Ford and his peers changed the future of land travel with the advent of affordable automobiles.
themselves to an occasional sip of tepid water from a wooden barrel in order to reserve most of it for their staunchly laboring oxen, without which many of them would have died under the blazing desert sun. As darkness approaches we take our pick of the numerous boondocking spots generously provided by the State or BLM on our public lands. We put down our stabilizing jacks to make the coach steady and perfectly level and rely on our roof mounted solar panels and battery banks to provide power to enjoy our evening complete with computers, television, DVD's and enough lights to illuminate an airport runway should we elect to use them all at once (which we don't, for obvious reasons). Early travelers would have fed, watered and groomed their irreplaceable animals, collected firewood if there was any available, built a fire to cook supper, collected buckets of water if they were lucky enough to not have a dry camp, pointed the wagon tongue towards the north star, re-greased the wagon axles and made any repairs needed before falling exhausted into bed (often on the hard rocky ground). A few hours later, they would rise before dawn to do it all again, and again, and again; sometimes for a year or more before finally reaching their destination. The funny part of all this is...most people think we are "roughing it" because we avoid developed campgrounds in favor of boondocking whenever we can!
We see evidence of The Westerner everywhere out here; in the audacity of a stone castle built in the desolation of Death Valley; in the tiny windblasted miner's cabin still clinging to a barren desert peak; and in the remains of a wooden plank road built across seven miles of shifting sand in the Algodones Dunes in California's Imperial Valley.
Having always been fascinated with this country's infatuation with the automobile, Joe and I made it a point to visit the historic landmark dedicated to protecting the remains of the Old Plank Road. Located just off I-8 on Gray's Well Rd, the monument preserves a section of the wooden plank road used by early auto travelers to drive from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA shortly after the turn of the twentieth century. The story of the plank road has all the elements of a good western; a race, a rivalry, a personal challenge, wheeling and dealing by politicians and business tycoons, an element of danger and just a bit of romance.
The curtain rises on Act I as a growing rivalry develops between the rapidly expanding California cities of Los Angeles and San Diego. The city of San Diego had recently missed out on being chosen as a western terminus for the transcontinental railway and was determined not to miss out on becoming a major destination for the newly burgeoning automobile travel industry. Their major rival in the southern part of the state was the equally important city of Los Angeles. "Colonel" Ed Fletcher, a prominent local businessman and road builder, decided to sponsor an automobile race between Souther California and Phoenix, AZ. The Los Angeles Examiner newspaper, upon hearing of the race, issued a personal challenge to Fletcher. He accepted and a race was arranged to be held in October of 1912. It was agreed that a reporter from the Examiner would be given a 24 hour head start as he raced from L.A., while Fletcher himself would represent his city as he raced from San Diego to Phoenix. Each driver would be allowed to choose his own route. The "Colonel" chose a course which directly crossed the Imperial Dunes, where he hired a team of six horses to drag his car across the
loose sand. He won the race with a time of 19.5 hours.
Colorado River at Yuma. All this was happening as the City of San Diego was planning a grand exhibition to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal in 1915. They were expecting a huge crowd and a good system of roads would be a vital step in increasing automobile access to visitors. This was their chance to show the world that they were a forward thinking city that was looking to the future, and perhaps put one over on their nearby rival!
The city hired L.F. (Newt) Gray to supervise the building of the new road. Being something of a visionary himself, Gray sank a well at the western edge of the Sand Hills and was fortunate enough to strike water. This was where he established a camp to be used by the road building crews and the area became known locally as Grays Well. In later years, after the completion of the road, the area would become a popular destination for picnics and automobile parties, and Gray would build a small building from which he would sell cold drinks and other road supplies. Rumor has it that during prohibition the cold drinks served became much more refreshing!
During the construction of the road Gray supervised a mixed crew of both paid and volunteer workers. The crews laid two parallel wooden tracks attached by spikes to wooden crossbars below. These two tracks were each 25" wide. Drivers were required to accomplish the tricky task of keeping each set of front and rear tires on the proper track for the entire distance of the road; a lapse in attention could bring dire results and long delays as cars were lifted back onto the tracks. Driver stress levels notwithstanding, when the 6.5 mile stretch east of Grays Well Rd. was completed on March 4, 1915 it was an almost immediate hit with automobilists. One week later an outing of 25 cars with more than a hundred passengers completed the road and enthusiastically endorsed it with rave reviews!

A road that was impassible much of the time was still better than no road at all, and the bumpy wooden track continued to gain popularity with local and cross-country drivers alike. Traffic jams at turnouts became a common occurrence on the narrow wooden road. Like the story of Robin Hood and Little John, face-offs along the road became the stuff of local legend. One group of multiple cars, when faced with a lone driver who refused to give way, solved the problem by lifting the other car off the track until their group was past and then placing it back on the track! Highway engineers took note and began studying the constantly shifting dunes as they searched for a long-term answer to the problems of keeping a road open across the Sand Hills. What they discovered was that sand hills over 100 feet high actually moved very slowly, while shorter hills moved much more quickly. Acting on this information, in August of 1926 crews completed a new twenty foot wide road with an asphaltic concrete surface on a built-up sand embankment.
Despite a lingering warm-fuzzy feeling among motorists for the old wooden plank road, it was allowed to deteriorate for many years before a cry went up for preservation. The problem was, not much was left by this time. Several sections had been given away for display purposes in other parts of the country. A large piece was destroyed when the All American Canal was built, and much of the remaining wood had been burned for firewood by people camping nearby. The remaining sections are now protected by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) who, along with the Imperial Valley Pioneer Historical Society, California Off Road Vehicle Association and individual Air Force personnel worked together in the early 1970's to assemble several remaining sections from various locations into one segment to be preserved for future generations. Because of their efforts, there is a nice interpretive display along with sections of the 1916 version of the plank road located at the California Historical Landmark at the west end of Grays Well Rd. (just south of I-8) in Imperial County, CA.

Wherever your journey takes you, Westerners and Honorary Westerners alike, grab the opportunities where you can...we only get one shot to get it right!!
Peace! -Lynn
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Friday, February 9, 2018
A lack of metropolitan light !
Watching last Wednesday's total lunar eclipse/blue moon/red moon was a totally new experience for us. We have missed many past eclipses, meteor showers and other night-time events due to commonly occurring fog in our hometown on the Monterey Bay. Seen from our boondocking spot along American Girl Mine Rd (or "AMG") in the far southeastern corner of California the moon was sharp and clear, even with a slight glow on the horizon from the lights of Yuma some 20 miles away. The surrounding stars were bright and distinct despite some sporadic cloud cover. This amazing experience was rendered even more special by the fact that it was
shared our new friends Laura and Sasha (laura-n-sasha.com). Laura's science background and past experience as a park ranger provided us with an interesting astronomy lesson as she pointed out the various stars, planets and constellations above us, and Sasha is a great conversationalist and just fun to be around. We saw satellites and airplanes, and I think a total of six shooting stars between us, so we should have lots of good luck coming to all of us. All-in-all, it was a very special night and I feel privileged to have shared in it. Despite the early hour and having slept only a few hours I was still a little disappointed when the rising sun began to wash out the moon, still glowing a soft red-orange. As the eclipse began to wane, we all went back to bed for a few more hours of sleep. It has been awhile since I was up at that time of day, but I have promised myself to do it more often. Although I hate the thought of getting up that early, I find that when I do I really enjoy the sharp bite of the pre-dawn air and the opportunity to watch the sun's solar brush begin to paint color back into the landscape.
Having failed to reach our original destination, we immediately turned to Plan B (which we hurriedly made up on the spot, while listening to military radar interfere with our radio and who knows what else) and slowly crept back to the highway to head north to Quartzsite, AZ. The one bright spot (pun intended) on the remaining hour-long journey was witnessing an incredible orange moonrise from behind the Livingston Hills to the east of us. After what seemed an eternity we wearily pulled into a spot on Plomosa Rd. north of Quartzsite, near where we had stayed a couple of weeks earlier. We didn't position the coach for best solar or on the flattest section of ground; we were level enough to eat and sleep and that was all we cared about at that moment.
We spent a couple of nights near The "Q" (as Quartzsite is known to rockhounds and full-time RV'ers) marvelling once again at how the stars overhead and the nearby lights of town both sparkle with their own brand of beauty. Unlike our previous stay, our campsite was visited this time by a pack of five or six yipping, snapping coyotes. Although I couldn't see them I certainly could hear them as they yapped their rowdy way past the back end of the coach, and so could the cats; they were extremely nervous for several minutes after the chaotic crowd passed out of hearing. We heard a pack very close by and heading toward us the following night as well, but they changed direction when they heard us outside putting the awning away.

The next day our eyes were drawn upward again as the Goodyear Blimp made it's way over Quartzsite and disappeared over the Plomosa Mountains to the east. It was kind of a strange sight out here in the middle of the desert!
After a brief stay at The "Q", cell phone issues forced us westward to Blythe, CA. After solving our recharging issues there, we drove a few miles east across the Colorado River to an expansive and uncrowded boondocking area across I-10 from Ehrenberg, AZ. To access this incredible area, you exit the intesrtate at AZ exit 1 and take the East Frontage Rd past the end of the pavement for around 2.5 miles and you will see all kinds of campsites on both sides of the road. We are camped just above the Ehrenberg Wash, with a view down to Blythe that is quite lovely at night, but smoky during the day due to the burning off of fields right now. There are mountains visible both near and far for a full 360 degrees from our site. The laundromat in Ehrenberg specifically caters to boon-dockers and has dump and fill, garbage and shower facilities as well as wi-fi available. There is also a Dollar General there, as well as all types of shopping seven miles west in Blythe. For those of you who appreciate interesting military planes and helicopters, this is your spot.We have seen Apache helicopters, numerous jets and cargo planes, and a stealth bomber flying low enough I could probably pick the pilot out of a crowd!
The days may have jets and blimps, but the nights out here have stars; oh, my goodness, do they have stars! The sky is black velvet above and blue suede below, and the stars are so bright they don't look real. They look like the ceiling in a planetarium; too perfect to actually exist. It took me two nights of star-gazing to accept that these are actually the same stars I saw from the yard in my stick-and-bricks home on the coast. It really feels like I'm seeing them for the first time, and it makes me hyper-aware of the fact that we have to find a way to keep living this lifestyle for the rest of our lives!
Stay tuned, My Friends, as we chase the stars across the Great American Southwest!
- Peace to All! -Lynn
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